I Agree With Myself with Sabrina Avellán

I Agree with Entirely Falling Apart

Sabrina Avellán Season 2 Episode 1

In the season kick-off episode, I get super vulnerable and deep with where I've been over the last few months, and I share what it looked like for me to entirely fall apart. I had to strip down to the fundamental questions of "Who am I? What am I? And Why am I?". If you've ever lost a loved one, quit a job, and/or had the entire idea of your future shift (I did all three!), then this episode is for you! Not only do I share some very personal moments, but I also look to an incredible example in nature that shows us falling apart into complete ooze is the only way to really transform. 

This episodes questions:
Who are you?
What are you? 
Why are you?

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