I Agree With Myself with Sabrina Avellán

Never Not Broken

Sabrina Avellán Season 1 Episode 2

From a relatively unknown Hindu goddess, we learn what it means to use pain and heartache to build the most powerful you. Spoiler alert... the most powerful you is never not broken.

In this episode, Sabrina talks about Akhilandeshwari, and how her brokenness is the source and inspiration for rebuilding.

Today's Questions Prompts:
Feel free to journal about these, talk to a friend about them, or better yet - email Sabrina at hello@iagreewithmyself.love with your answers and insights.

  1. Have you ever lost a job or a relationship and felt like you were broken into pieces?
  2. Do you avoid breaking again to avoid the pain?
  3. How can you find the power to rearrange the pieces if it were to happen again?

And please be sure to rate/review this podcast!
 Want to connect? Find Sabrina on Instagram!

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I love hearing your takeaways from the episodes! If there’s a topic you’d like me to cover or an ah-ha moment you’d like to share, my DMs and email are always open.

  • DM me on Instagram
  • Email me at: hello@sabrinaavellan.com