I Agree With Myself with Sabrina Avellán

How Heart Coherence Can Transform Your Health, Clarity, Performance, and Relationships

Sabrina Avellán Season 2 Episode 5

One of my favorite topics to talk about is our hearts. The heart is a fascinating organ that not only keeps you alive but communicates with your brain and the brains of those around you. And this communication is governed by hour emotions. The quality of the emotions in your heart impacts your cognitive functions like attention, perception, memory & problem-solving.

In this episode, I share some mind-blowing science and data that prove the heart can learn, remember, and communicate.  I also teach you how you can practice Quick Heart Coherence for better health, clarity, performance, and relationships.

Today's Questions Prompts:
Feel free to journal about these, talk to a friend about them, or better yet - email Sabrina at hello@iagreewithmyself.love with your answers and insights.

  1. When I say "heart-centered" do you know immediately what that feels like in your body?
  2. How often do you feel like you're communicating from a heart-centered space?
  3. What is one person, situation, or memory that you can always think back on in order to ground into love and gratitude for your Heart coherence practice?

Podcast References:
HeartMath Website
Heart Mind & Spirit Study

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Email me at hello@iagreewithmyself.love

Much Love,
Sabrina Avellán