I Agree With Myself with Sabrina Avellán

The Pitfalls of Potential

Sabrina Avellán Season 1 Episode 1

Do you keep going back to that relationship thinking things will change? Don't worry, most of us have.

In this episode, Sabrina is talking about the pitfall of potential and how to spot it when you're falling into it! Because you're worth action... not just potential.

Today's Questions Prompts:
Feel free to journal about these, talk to a friend about them, or better yet - email Sabrina at hello@iagreewithmyself.love with your answers and insights.

  1. Is there a relationship in your life where you keep expecting change?
  2. Is that expectation based on the potential you see or on real action?

And please be sure to rate/review this podcast!

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Get the I Agree With Myself Journal: 31 Prompts for self-care, inner wisdom, and emotional intelligence. These intentionally crafted journal prompts will guide you through rediscovering the beautiful pieces that make you you.

I adore hearing your perspective on the episodes, and if there's ever a topic you'd love to hear covered, my DM's and email are a great place to connect!

DM me on Instagram - @IAgreeWithMyself.Podcast
Email me at hello@iagreewithmyself.love

Much Love,
Sabrina Avellán